Sustainability Knowledge Group and Fractality have joined forces to bring on a new unique residential training course for professionals willing to start their CSR and Sustainability journey. A 2-day innovative residential, taking place 17-18 November 2015 is targeted to managers and entrepreneurs who want to become effective Sustainability leaders through a combination of training and leadership methodologies and interactive learning.

International recognition

As an essential part of the package the participants will earn the “Sustainability and CSR Masterclass” certificate from the leading UK Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM), and they will also be guided to complete their post-course assignment during the course! Sustainability Knowledge Group is an ILM Recognised Training Provider.

The Value of a Residential Course

The course has been developed in an innovative way and unique residential format which allows participants to actively engage in 2 full days of strategic experimental learning. The format contains an evening team exercise and group dinner. On day 2, participants will be also guided to complete their ILM certification assignment!

Participants will develop a good understanding of the business case for sustainability and will be able to apply CSR and Sustainability topics with confidence. Participants will  walk away with valuable leadership essentials and tools on how to implement what they have learned and how to achieve goals and manage change. Participants can expect a challenging program of strategic experimental learning which will help them experience and apply Appreciative Leadership in the context of Sustainability and CSR.

By the end of this training participants will:

  • Gain confidence in discussing and applying CSR and Sustainability topics at work
  • Gain solid understanding of CSR and Sustainability
  • Comprehend international trends developments and legislation
  • Learn to identify and prioritise Stakeholders
  • Understand the foundations of Sustainability strategy
  • Learn how to integrate CSR into corporate strategy
  • Practice disclosing Sustainability performance through international reporting Standards (UNGC, ISO26000, GRI, SROI)
  • Learn how to maximise impact from Sustainability Initiatives
  • Learn how to develop positive perspectives
  • Recognise and appreciate the leader within you
  • Align individual skills with organizational values
  • Identify Sustainability risks and opportunities
  • Comprehend communication methodologies (green marketing, greenwashing, cause related marketing)
  • Learn how to use appreciative strategic planning for human capital
  • Maximize your ability to formulate team vision

For information and registration visit: Sustainability Knowledge Group

For more information about the residential please contact: Aglaia Ntili:

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