"Its great to have such a portal in the Middle East and it is a needed resource to pool the know-how and experts available in the Middle East making information and resources accessible to all those that may be interested in investing in this field so thank you very much for all your efforts."  Maali Qasem : CEO & Founder, Schema / Jordan


"Platforms such as CSR Middle East are hugely important in getting the message out there and, importantly, building shared knowledge and capability locally. CSR now being the buzz word, we need to be careful to avoid the band wagon effect and quickly help the market place to appreciate what a value adding programme looks like and what type of skills are required to tackle the various challenges that we need to address." Maria Sillanpaa : Founding Director - Sustainability Advisory Group


"The real challenge for our region, and this platform, is to analyze and develop our own CSR doctrine, a model and related terminology that embrace local culture while developing regional corollaries to international corporate standards It is also time for the Gulf region to develop a strong civil society stratum to professionally support the enthusiasm of corporations for CSR: companies can play a key role by partnering with public and private organizations. Public- Private dialogue, institution building, the creation of NGOs and CSOs could boost the cooperation with private sector and help shaping strategic corporate investments that bring long term benefits to local communities. CSR ME could help creating awareness, extending and refining the recognition of social responsibility and the need for public-private effective partnerships, dialogue and advocacy… Inshallah" Ilaria Gualtieri : CSR Advisor/RasGas/Qatar


"CSR Middle East is an important initiative that enforces Sustainability and promotes CSR in the Middle East region. Such initiatives make me feel confident and optimistic that Middle East will move forward towards a more sustainable future. The way platform allows for interaction and best practice sharing between members is great and the opportunities for ideas exchange make the platform utilize all aspects of social networking. Keep up the good job!" Nikos Avlonas : President of Centre for Sustainability & Excellence (CSE)


"CSR Middle East has been responsible for starting a dialogue across borders. Dialogue is the most important outcome of any platform and through it comes collaboration, understanding and communication. CSR Middle East is a virtual work place for many sustainability professionals where we can meet and create new ideas with our colleagues." Sabrin Rahman, Head of Sustainability / HSBC / UAE


"I personally think if CSR Middle East did not exist, the Google results for CSR in Middle East would be very depressing (half of the results on first page of Google search are for csrmiddleeast.org). There is hardly any quality research/ information on CSR in the region and if not for your excellent website, most people would not know how fast the CSR and Sustainability is spreading in the region and how many companies are actually involved." Bushra Azhar, Independent CSR & Sustainability Consultant / Jeddah / KSA

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