Submission Guidelines

The CSR Middle East welcomes:

  • solid news features,
  • investigative reporting on corporate activities, or
  • opinion pieces on corporate social responsibility and related topics.


Writings for news features and investigative reporting should be based on original research reporting, with value to our international readership. The CSR Middle East prefers a journalistic style, with a strong factual and analytical base, rather than theoretical or opinion-base. Responses from corporations mentioned are vital and should be part of the story, if possible.


The CSR Middle East is especially interested in activities of corporations from the Middle East countries. Writers are requested to substantiate and / or corroborate all claims and allegations. Quotes must be word-for-word accurate.


The writer is responsible for documenting all allegations, providing notes, fact checking, and verification of sources.

Deadlines and word length assignments are strict. Stories that are either too long or too short will be returned and risk violation of contractual deadline requirements. All stories will be edited for style and content.


Writers should submit a one-page query, with a concise summary paragraph, and examples of colour, quotes, and context. The query should demonstrate the writer’s journalistic ability, listing research and interviews already conducted, or planned to be conducted. The writer is obliged to inform the CSR Middle East of any changes or inability to conduct interviews before proceeding further with the story.


The CSR Middle East also requests the writer’s experience, expertise, and clips or hyperlinks to previous writing. Kindly also view the CSR Middle East’s website to get a sense of the kind of piece in which we publish and whether we have already covered the topic you propose. 


As part of the CSR Middle East’s CSR, we are happy to work with, and to guide, novice journalists upon request.


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