From 5-7 July 2011, Pinnacle International is running a series of
sustainability and social responsibility seminars, workshops and training courses with world-renowned sustainability expert, Veronica Scheubel.

Veronica most recently published a book called: “Corporate
Community Involvement: The Definitive Guide to Maximizing Your Business’Societal Engagement”

During this week, Pinnacle will provide a number of opportunities for those working in CSR to learn the latest techniques, tactics and trends in the industry. This week is also an excellent opportunity to develop thought leadership and best practice specifically for the GCC region.

Tuesday, 5 July,
CSR Fundamentals: designing a CSR strategy;
building CSR programmes and campaigns; community engagement; and employee volunteering.

Wednesday, 6 July,
Strategic CSR: organisational sustainability;
choosing your cause and partners; cross-sector collaboration; and government and NGO best-practice.

Thursday, 7 July,
9.30-14.30, followed by networking lunch:
CSR and
Sustainability Master Class: opportunity for people working in this area to come together, share best practice, talk about issues facing the industry and formulate ideas and strategies for what would work specifically within the region. A number of specialists from the GCC will present case studies from
their organisations. Focus areas are: community
involvement; employee engagement; cross-sector partnerships; and sustainability reporting

These three sessions are all highly interactive and collaborative, and designed for those who are mid- to senior-level
communicators or CSR / sustainability specialists in their organisations or those who need to know more information about this subject area for their jobs.

 For more information go to or  call 04 4464 824, or email:


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