Location : home-based
Application Deadline : 22-Nov-12
Type of Contract : Individual Contract
Post Level : International Consultant
Languages Required :
Starting Date :
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)


The Report on the Global Programme performance and results (decision 2011/18) will be submitted to the Executive Board in March 2013, for review at the Annual session: 3 - 14 June 2013. In advance, it will be reviewed by the Global Programme Management Committee, and the UNDP Organizational Performance Group (OPG).
The lead author will draft the 8,000 word document, relying on evidence from earlier reports, including evidence from BDP annual reporting exercises (ROAR), responding Executive Board decision:
The decision (see annex) requests a final report on global programme performance and results to be submitted to the Executive Board at the annual session 2013 with an assessment of the progress of multi-practice policy advisory services, including in the areas of sustaining progress towards the Millennium Development Goals, preparing for the Rio+20 Conference on sustainable development, and advancing the local development and local governance agenda (para 7).
The UNDP Strategic Plan 2008-2013, aims to accelerate progress on human development and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. The UNDP Fourth Global Cooperation Framework 2009-2013 (DP/GP/2) is the organization’s current plan for the utilization of specific global resources which, together with country and regional programmes, are required to fulfil the aspirations and mission of the Strategic Plan. The fourth Global Cooperation Framework (GPIV) was informed by the evaluation and management responses of its predecessors. The Evaluation of the Third Global Cooperation Framework recommended ‘conducting a mid-term review of the new global programme to ensure that benchmarks outlined in the management response to the third global cooperation framework evaluation, and set in the new global programme approved by the Executive Board are met’ (DP/2008/44). The GPIV mid-term review was submitted to the Executive Board in June 2011 and a final report will be submitted in 2013.
UNDP’s Global Cooperation Frameworks have historically been designed to streamline UNDP policy approaches across its mandated areas and facilitate two-way communication between local and global actors. It plays a vital role in the implementation of the UNDP Strategic Plan, strengthening the ability of country offices to respond quickly and effectively, while using global engagement to identify opportunities, resources and innovations that can help countries address multi-faceted development challenges. The fourth Global Programme supports the achievement of the development and institutional results set out in the Strategic Plan. The Global Programme was designed to strengthen the UNDP development cooperation role at the country, regional and global levels through supporting the diagnosis of development problems and trends, the design of catalytic, innovative, context specific development solutions, and promoting knowledge sharing and learning for policy innovation. This is achieved through several modalities: a) global-level programmatic interventions; b) financing of the core practice architecture and support to the corporate knowledge management strategy; c) support to internal institutional capacities around cross-cutting development results and UN coordination; and, (iv) support to policy centers in Oslo, Geneva, Nairobi and Brasilia. The mid-term review assessed the Global Programme’s ability to fulfill this mandate. 

Duties and Responsibilities

In response to the Executive Board decision 2008/32, a mid-term review of the Global Programme 2009-2011 (extended to 2013) was submitted to the Executive Board’s annual session in 2011. The mid-term assessed progress in achieving the results defined in the Global Programme document. Based on a thorough review of the results and resources framework, implementation of the regionalization policy and practice architecture through the deployment of Practice Leaders to Regional Centres, the review identified the challenges and lessons learned to strengthen the results achieved, relevance, timeliness, responsiveness and efficiency in meeting client needs in remaining years of the programme (2011-2013).
The EB decision on the MTR of the Global Programme acknowledges UNDP’s investment in regionalization and knowledge management systems, bringing services closer to programme countries. Consistent with our investment in multi-practice work and preparations in advance of Rio+20, we will report to the Executive Board on our results achieved in 2012. It requests UNDP to continue to strengthen standards for policy advisory services and to provide global policy leadership on inclusive, resilient and sustainable human development.
The decision requests a final report on global programme performance and results to be submitted to the Executive Board at the annual session 2013 with an assessment of the progress of multi-practice policy advisory services, including in the areas of sustaining progress towards the Millennium Development Goals, preparing for the Rio+20 Conference on sustainable development, and advancing the local development and local governance agenda.
Timeline and methodology: Key Milestones
December 20, 2012:  Outline of Report
January 20, 2013: Draft One of the global programme performance and results: The report will include an assessment of the progress of multi-practice policy advisory services, including in the areas of sustaining progress towards the Millennium Development Goals, preparing for the Rio+20 Conference on sustainable development, and advancing the local development and local governance agenda. See Annex for EB Decision 2011/18.
February 15: Draft Two, submitted to the GP Management Committee.
March 07: Final Draft, submitted to the Organizational Performance Group (OPG)
March 30: Final Draft, submitted to the Executive Board in advance of June session


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism.

Functional Competencies:

  • Strong written and verbal communication skills, in a multi-cultural setting;
  • Superior leadership and strategic management skills with an excellent understanding of international development issues and knowledge of the UN system;
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, objectivity and ability to analyze large multi-country data sets in short period;
  • Experience working collaboratively in small teams with tight deadlines.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Masters or PhD in a relevant field
  • Familiarity with UNDP, the UN system and the international development landscape;
  • Background in analyzing large volumes of information and previous experience drafting or contributing to UN development documents;
  • Sound methodological skills and knowledge of evaluation methods and techniques. 

Language: English

Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the following methodologies: Cumulative analysis
The award of the contract will be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as: 

Responsive/compliant/acceptable, andHaving received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation. 

Technical Criteria weight; 70:

  • Background in analyzing large volumes of information and previous experience drafting or contributing to UN development documents (20 points)
  • Sound methodological skills and knowledge of evaluation methods and techniques (20 points)
  • Advanced University Degree a relevant field (10 points)
  • Familiarity and work experience with UNDP and the UN system (20 points)
  • Financial Criteria weight; 30

The following formula will be used to evaluate financial proposal: p = y (μ/z)

  • p = points for the financial proposal being evaluated
  • y = maximum number of points for the financial proposal
  • μ = price of the lowest priced proposal
  • z = price of the proposal being evaluated

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points in the technical evaluation would be considered for the Finanial evaluation.

How to apply:

Interested candidates should send:


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