September 30
September 30
Save the Children
Programme Officer
New Delhi
Professional Background
I am a committed development professional working in the area of child rights for close to 2 years focusing on protection, education, programme design, research and evaluation.I have a Masters in Globalisation and Development, Department of Development Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London and I am currently based in New Delhi and work as a Programme Officer in Save the Children. As a programme Officer, I have been actively involved in proposal development, donor reporting, curriculum development, programme documentation, review of programmes and advocacy across the thematic areas. I undertake extensive desk and field based research, for various programmatic interventions. I have developed a solid reputation for successfully delivering quality results and attention to detail, ability to work with speed and accuracy, team work and on-time project execution has been a consistent result of my professional commitment.
CSR Interest & Background
Having been born and brought up in the UAE and being committed to the social development cause, I am deeply interested to know more about the CSR initiatives and opportunities in the UAE. Though my work at Save the Children, I am aware of the CSR intiatives of various companies and have worked closely at designing programmes for them.