April 17
April 17
Marketing and CSR coordinator
Professional Background
I have 15 years of experience in CSR, Marketing and Communication, working in HR Services, Retail and NGOs. I have an MSc in CSR and Environmental Management (EUDE/U. Complutense, Madrid, Spain, 2012), an MSc in Marketing (Skema Business School, France) and a BSc in Law (U. Lille, France). Last project: CSR Consultant for Group CRIT Spain (HR Services, 200 employees), 2013-present: - Assessed current CSR status and activities, analysed competitors' CSR initiatives, designed CSR action plan. - Evaluated opportunity to create a Foundation and a Special Employment Center for the Disabled. - Analysed EU's Youth Guarantee programme and designed action plan. Project managed the cooperation with Randstadt to design and propose a specific plan to the Spanish Employers' association. - Managed the internal corporate voluntary work programme and the partnerships with participating NGOs. - Wrote the company's first CSR annual report.
Linkedin Profile Link
CSR Interest & Background
I can help you develop and implement your CSR and environmental strategies. My goal is to work in the area of CSR & Environmental management for a large corporation, a specialized consulting firm, or a corporate foundation. I combine CSR expertise with Marketing & Communication experience, in both corporate & NGO environments. My value proposition: - Design and implement your CSR strategy - Develop partnerships between corporates and NGOs - Generate and manage sponsorships - Manage corporate volunteering programmes Double MSc in CSR & Environment and Marketing. International experience (French national + 2 years in the U.S.A., 7 years in Spain). Trilingual French, English, Spanish.