Slow Food Convivium in Dubai
Professional Background
Arrived in Dubai 22 Feb. 2013 to join/follow my husband.
Started the Dubai Balcony & Urban Gardening Group of the UAE, and the only Dubai Non-Fiction Reader's & Writer's Circle.
Founded the first Slow Food Convivium on the Arabian Peninsula. Slow Food DUBAI.
Over 25 years in the Hospitality Industry.
Trainer and Life Skills Coach for over 15 years.
EFL teacher for 9 years.
Worked for/with NGO/NFP for over 10 years.
Passionate and experienced in NATURAL FARMING & true Sustainable & Compassionate Living.
Grow food, not lawns!
Value people, not possessions!
Twitter Account (if applicable)
@vivereslow or @dubaislow
CSR Interest & Background
We offer any company that wants to make a real change in the lives of their staff members, great CSR opportunities, through their involvement with the local chapter of Slow Food International.
Please email me for more information at
And visit