CSR Middle East, CSR dedicated platform with 3.555 corporate members in the Middle East.

Media One cares partners with Growing Leaders to teach teamwork through chef lessons and introduce kids to hospitality industry

When we initially approached Media One Hotel, a hip trendy hotel in Media City to host students for our leadership program and incorporate their staff into our lesson plan on Corporate Social Responsiblity........they were not too eager!

They mentioned to us they were not a family friendly hotel , they were fully booked and all the reasons it would not work. But in the end they gave it a try as part of their CSR program under Media One Cares. How did it turn out?

Students not only had their first conference room experience at the hotel,and sleep over at a hotel without parents, but they got to grill the staff on their jobs in the hospitalty sector . Head of house-keeping was very popular with the kids  who were very intent on understand exactly how long it took to clean a dirty room vs. a really dirty room;-)

But the real highlight was the chef lessons with the hotel staff that focused in on teamwork. What happened could not have been planned. Literally, all the hotel employees just could not resist coming to the 8th floor to be amongst the kids. Pure excitement on the floor as the students prepared a pasta and pizza dish.  

And guess what? Media One now understand how important it is by witnessing it first hand how their employees are walking taller after sharing their experiences and jobs with the next generation. In fact we already got the memo on when would we be doing the next one;-)



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