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Hayatt and Wataniya launch Breast Cancer Charity Live to Give

Hayatt, a part of Ruqayah Abdulwahab Alqatami Breast Cancer Foundation, is partnering with Wataniya to launch the Breast Cancer Charity Drive to raise money for patients suffering from breast cancer and raise awareness.

The drive is coinciding with Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October 2012) and will include a charity dinner on 4th October 2012, at Sheraton Kuwait, and hosted by the Syrian Diva Waad Al Bahri. All proceeds and donations will go to "Hayatt".

A conference on breast cancer awareness - one of the most common women's health issues - and the importance of prevention and early diagnosis was held at the Sheraton Hotel Kuwait. It was attended by Mrs. Laila Alghanim, President of Hayatt- Ruqayah Abdulwahab Alqatami Breast Cancer Foundation; Dr. Labiba Temmim, Executive Director & Medical Affairs, Hayatt - Ruqayah Abdulwahab Alqatami Breast Cancer Foundation, Mr. Abdulaziz Fakhroo, Deputy CEO, Wataniya, members of Bader Sultan & Brothers Co , Osrati Magazine ,Diplomatic Club, Al-Hamra Real Estate Co, Tanagra (Habchi & Chalhoub), as well as local media and members of Hayatt-Ruqayah Abdulwahab Breast Cancer Foundation and Wataniya Telecom.

Speaking at the conference, Mrs. Laila Alghanim, President of Hayatt Breast Cancer Foundation said, "October is observed as the breast cancer awareness month worldwide and it is important to remind women in Kuwait of the dangers of the disease. A renowned oncologist Dr. Luis Compos, President "Oncology Consultants", Houston, Texas and President of Hayatt Scientific Advisory Board will join us to attend the gala to support Hayatt.

Mrs. Alghanim continues, the campaign goals are to stress on the importance of breast cancer screening and early detection for women past a certain age and to encourage them to have regular mammography check-ups and consultations.

It is important to implement a screening program in Kuwait our beloved country. Over the last 4 years, we tried (Hayatt) to start such program as we do not want anymore to have a close friend an aunt or a cousin loose her battle to this DISEASE and not in Kuwait the country with such high medical standard.

Hayatt first women wellness center @ Yarmouk Al Abdulhadi Health Center was inaugurated on the 5th of March 2012 that was made possible thanks to donations of generous philanthropists and partners.

Our ambition will be to duplicate such a center in each of Kuwait governorate giving the chance to women come regularly for their yearly follow-up and have all their check-ups done the same day at a one - stop clinic. 

In addition, donations will be collected to cover the treatment of our sisters' expatriates living in Kuwait, who cannot afford the costs of specialized treatments which are in the range of KWD 25,000 for one year and may cost more if the treatment is extended. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank "Wataniya" for being the first to sponsor the treatment of one breast cancer for one year. 

I would like to express my gratitude to the pharmacy staff and particularly the chairman of the pharmacy department Dr Abdullah Al Mutairi, the nursing staff, the medical staff and administration of the cancer center. 

Dr. Labiba Temmim, Executive Director & Medical Affairs, Hayatt- Ruqayah Abdulwahab Alqatami Breast Cancer Foundation said: "Breast cancer is on the rise. Big countries have the most cases but not always the highest incidences and rates in the developing world may be even higher than the spotty data suggest.

In Kuwait, trends in incidence for the last thirty years: 1980-2009 show
- the number of new cancer cases more than doubled for both males & females
- there was an increase of 11% in 2009 in comparison of 2008 ( Kuwait Cancer Registry)
- the increase in the absolute number of cases over the years can partly be explained by the ageing and increasing size of the population

In 2009 , 53% of all newly diagnosed cancer cases were females and breast cancer was the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Kuwaiti and non-Kuwaiti females (Kuwait Cancer Registry, 2009) and constitutes with colorectal, non- Hodgkin lymphoma, thyroid and Leukemia about half of the total cancer burden of the newly diagnosed cases. Among the 5 most commonly diagnosed cancers , breast ranks first in Kuwaiti and non-Kuwaiti women followed by , thyroid and colorectal . Corpus uteri and ovary run for the 4th and 5th place in Kuwaiti females while cervix and corpus uteri are forth and fifth in non-Kuwaiti females.

--Cancer is the second most common cause of death in Kuwait exceeded only by cardiovascular disease, (health, Kuwait 2009) followed by colorectal cancer and blood
- The incidence over the decade, 2000-2009 shows that breast cancer is the most frequent cancer followed by colorectal and thyroid. 
To illustrate the rise in breast cancer, comparison of the two groups 1980-1989 & 2000-2009 the number of female breast cancer increased by five folds.

Breast cancer is a curable disease, agonizing and painful months of chemotherapy treatment can be avoided by only doing yearly check-ups and undergoing a life- saving mammography in women aged 40 years to 72 years. 

The donations received from the charity drive will go towards the Breast Cancer Foundation to help breast cancer patients get the much needed treatment but also reinforce the importance of early detection, and give to all Kuwaiti women access to proper assessment of breast cancer. We are hopeful with the help of generous donors to have sisters women wellness centers in all governorates and give the chance to all Kuwaiti women to be assessed properly and dream for a Kuwait....free of Breast cancer!!! 
Our duty: raise awareness, so women in Kuwait understand the importance of early detection. We are delighted that our foundation and our activities are helping women to empower themselves, and take a more active role in their long-term health."

For more information on the latest developments of this campaign, please visit Hayatt web @ www.hayatt.org

In his words, Deputy CEO at Wataniya Telecom, Engineer Abdulaziz Fakhroo said, "Since its launch, nearly twelve years back, Wataniya Telecom has always been a pioneer and supporter of social responsibility initiatives. I'm proud to say that Wataniya has made a significant contribution in this regard."
"We have made sure Wataniya's CSR programs and initiatives are continually contributing towards the welfare of Kuwaiti Society. We have invested in events that raise awareness of significant issues and contribute towards the development of society by encouraging sectors such as sports, health and education." Mr. Fakhroo added.
Wataniya has supported and partnered with the Hayatt Breast Cancer Foundation which has been doing commendable work on early detection of breast cancer since 2011. We were keen that this kind of philanthropic support and partnership was undertaken to ensure that people suffering from cancer can receive treatment in time. 
Fakhroo stated that Wataniya continues to support Hayatt Foundation this year as well. But this time through a Social Media Campaign that will bring more awareness to the people and will encourage customers to make donations towards this worthy cause. 

Mrs. Alghanim concluded her speech thanking the sponsors for their support of this campaign and in particular.
- Wataniya , the official Partner of the 2012 campaign 
- Ali Abdul Wahab and Sons Group of Companies & Roche , Hayatt partners since the beginning for their unlimited contribution in supporting the treatment of certain patients
- Bader Sultan & Brothers Company for their unlimited support through the breast cancer early detection program and any other support needed
- The Sheraton Kuwait , our longtime generous partner 
- Alqabas newspaper for supporting Hayatt from the beginning of our venture
- Osrati Magazine for supporting Hayatt all the way through
- Emad Al Samhan for always giving the helping hand when needed
- Tanagra 
- Carolina Herera
- Al Hamra Real Estate Co
- International Diplomatic Club
- Beidoun
- Gulf Bank
- Alhamra Real Estate Co.
- Kuwait Banking Association.

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