CSR Middle East, CSR dedicated platform with 3.555 corporate members in the Middle East.

Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital; The first in the MENA region and one of few hospitals worldwide to publish an A+ CSR report

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has become a raw model in Sustainability in the Middle East by implementing several governmental initiatives like the Saudi Arabia Responsible Competitiveness Index (SARCI), the Global Competitiveness Forum and others.  It is known that the SARC Index, managed by the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA) and the King Khalid Foundation, analyses performance through a cutting-edge analytical tool, and provides recommendations to help all participating companies to improve their performance. It is worth mentioning that the SARCI evaluates more than 150 companies from various sectors each year and DSFH was acknowledged by being ranked the first in the healthcare sector.

During the launch ceremony of the CSR report of Dr. Solimam Fakeeh Hospital (DSFH) for the year 2011, Dr. Mazen Fakeeh the President of Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital Company declared that the acknowledgement that the hospital received by SARCI by awarding DSFH the Third Prize of the King Khaled Foundation for Sustainability for two consecutive years (2011-2012) and by being ranked the first in the healthcare sector to achieve such recognition, was a motive to pursue the sustainability journey.

He added that this journey was culminated by launching the first A+ CSR report in the healthcare sector in the Arab countries and by being one of few hospitals worldwide to achieve this level of transparency.

He stressed that the hospital continuously invested in the community through the activities of our Community teaching center and the charity office that provides financial and medical support to needy patient and that the social investment reached 20 million SR for the years 2010 and 2011, and the indirect economic impact of the hospital was estimated 167 million Saudi Riyals in the last year.  He added “We are really proud of being the first hospital that has implemented the process of deducting one riyal from each patient’s bill for the benefit of the Charity Office and we spent one million SR last year from this fund”.

Furthermore, Dr. Sherif Tehemar, the CSR committee chairman declared  that the hospital published the first worldwide CSR guide for hospitals under the title: “Good Hospital Guide”. He clarified that this guide focused on the fundamentals of CSR and highlighted the significance of CSR in hospital operations by providing detailed information about the key CSR terms, hospital case studies and significant CSR issues relevant to hospital functions. Moreover, the guide, that is available for download from the hospital website, discussed the mechanism of implementing CSR, the essential requirements that had to be incorporated in the hospital infrastructure before starting CSR, and the model for developing a CSR strategy.

At the end of the press conference, Dr. Mazen announced that the hospital is proud to support the ten principles of United Nations Global Compact and the mission of the Global Reporting Initiative by being an Organizational Stakeholder for both organizations aiming to foster the culture of Sustainability in our community.

It is worth mentioning that the report is available for download through the following link http://www.dsfh.med.sa/eng/index.php?option=com_content&view=ar...

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Comment by Dr. Fatih Mehmet Gul on September 30, 2012 at 2:12pm

Great efforts Dr. Sherif. Proud to see such achievements from a hospital group in KSA. Hope to see similar approach from other healthcare leaders in our region.

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