CSR Middle East, CSR dedicated platform with 3.555 corporate members in the Middle East.

If we look at CSR now and few years down the line, the questions are going to be asked primarily on did it really create an impact on the ground?

The answer will come from Social Audit. Only when you evaluate the programmes on the ground and find out the lasting impact it has left will answer to the question whether CSR helped in furthering the developing agenda of the nation and that should actually be the primary focus of CSR.

It is important for the policy makers to create a whole vertical for project evaluation using the social audit framework, who should make sure every single company and all of their individual projects being evaluated and published. Take for instance in India scenario 16000 companies with an average of 5 projects each would sum up to 80,000 projects in a year to be evaluated to find it did leave an impact on the ground and that will answer to the development agenda of the nation.

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